Participating in swimming galas is an excellent way of honing our swimming skills. To ensure that we remain competitive and enjoy the swimming gala, it is essential to adhere to safety tips. These safety tips ensure that we stay safe, as well as other competitors around us. In this post, we look at some of the swimming tips that all swimmers should adhere to.
1. Always Put on Your Swimming Suit
It is important to always put on your swimming suit in a public swimming pool where a gala is taking place. The water treatment chemicals used in purifying the water in the pool will react differently with different people. As a precaution, it is advisable to have a swimming suit that covers the most critical parts of your skin. Waterproof swimsuits are highly recommended.
2. Stay Away From the Pool When Not Competing
For the most part, in a swimming gala, non-competing people will sit around the pool. It is advisable that if you are not competing at that moment, to maintain some distance away from the pool. This distance ensures that you avoid tripping and falling into the pool.
3. Follow Provided Safety Drills
We never know when an emergency will occur. In the event that one does, it is important to follow the provided safety drill to the letter. To know more about the safety drill at the swimming gala, you plan to attend, listen to the instructions that swim instructors give before the gala starts. Additionally, it is advisable to read any safety drill material that the swimming gala provides to all competitors before the gala begins.
4. Report Any Issue to the Instructor
It is advisable that in case there is an emergency, you report this to the swim instructor immediately. Additionally, follow any heed that the instructor gives. This means you will need to listen whenever the whistle is blown and follow the safety instruction that the instructor gives.